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Qi Gong Flow
Jump in Anytime! No previous experience required.
Qi Gong Flow combines massage, stretching, breath work and meditation to boost our immune system and prevent chronic health conditions. Each class will focus on a particular health benefit: cleansing and fortifying an organ, unblocking a meridian channel, pain prevention, and/or simply creating a healing mental state. These gentle movements are easy-to-follow and packed with well-being.
Mid-Day Qi-Boost
When your need a quick afternoon pick-me-up, try Mid-Day Qi-Boost ! Get the blood flowing and the mind cleared with simple stretches, deep breathing and energy flow. If your busy schedule can’t make the scheduled time, click on one of the FREE On-Demand videos…
Tai Chi Flow
Jump in Anytime! No previous experience required.
Tai Chi Flow is an introduction to tai chi basics. Get the benefits of traditional tai chi without the fuss. Easy to follow and effective without years of study. Want to learn more? Check out our traditional Tai Chi Forms.
Therapeutic Tai Chi Form
New Lesson introduced each week
Therapeutic Tai Chi is a beautiful, simple form designed by Wudang Chen. This beginner form combines Yang and Wudang styles of tai chi with an emphasis on rejuvenating the body, calming the mind and building the Qi. Each class is typically 35-40min and includes warm-up stretches, review of past movements, new lesson of the week and form practice.
Qi Fitness
Open to all ages that are physically mobile -Something for the whole family!
Qi Fitness uses a modern approach to ancient exercises that were designed to develop the body, mind and spirit of aspiring martial artists. You do NOT need to be a martial arts expert to enjoy these classes and gain the benefit of a healthy mind and body.